Business With the establishment of the Iron and Steel Industry Test Institute, analysis and testing, as the premise and guarantee for the research and development of metallurgical processes and materials, have gradually developed and expanded.

Analysis Instrument

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Spectro Analysis

Gas Elemental Analysis

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer

Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer


Non-Destructive Testing


In the nearly 70 years of development, the analysis and testing industry of CISRI has formed seven categories of products with nearly over 70 models. Its existing products basically cover the whole process of testing and characterization of the material industry, and have gradually extended from general-purpose to special-purpose testing and characterization equipment. Among them, CISRI’s chemical composition testing equipment, special characterization equipment, mechanical property testing equipment, and non-destructive testing equipment enjoy a high reputation in the industry. A number of technologies and instruments researched and developed by CISRI not only fill the domestic gap, but also create a number of domestic and foreign firsts.

Guided by national strategic needs, the analysis and testing industry of CISRI has created a common support platform for original technology and a major innovation base for high-end instruments. It coordinates with various resources to optimize ...

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